Please choose an offer

VVS D-Ticket JugendBW (alle bis 20 Jahre)

Personal annual subscription for young people up to the age of 21 (pupil, trainee, student, FSJ, volunteer etc.) who live in the network area of VVS (with proof of age, without proof of training).

VVS D-Ticket JugendBW (Schüler ab 21 Jahre)

Personal annual subscription for students from the age of 21 up to the age of 27 with verification of schooling in the network area of VVS.

VVS D-Ticket JugendBW (Azubi ab 21 Jahre)

Personal annual subscription for trainees from the ago of 21 up to the age of 27 who live in the network area of VVS.

VVS D-Ticket JugendBW Studierende (HS ohne Soli,ab 21 Jahre)

Personal annual ticket in the VVS tariff area for students at universities without a solidarity contribution from the age of 21 up to the age of 27 with proof of student status in VVS.

VVS D-Ticket JugendBW (FSJ, Bufdi etc. ab 21 Jahre)

Personal annual subscription in the VVS tariff area for FSJ, Bufdi etc. from the age of 21 up to the age of 27 with verification of training.